The Importance of Staying Informed and Keeping Calm in a Pandemic
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The Importance of Staying Informed and Keeping Calm in a Pandemic

Added: Apr 21, 2020
Category: Travel

Who had dreamt of, let alone prepared for, something like a global pandemic in the year 2020? Shock sudden, and tragic, both the public health and economic outcomes of the pandemic have given pause to millions around the world, affecting how we all feel about our daily life and activities, including travel. In the midst of these uncertain times, it's important not to panic and focus on the things we can do to recover together. Whether it's planning all the fun things we'll do when things go back to normal, rearranging the house during a lockdown, and outlining that dream vacation plan you've been too stressed to dive into, it's important to have faith things will get better, while doing everything we can to help. Let's talk more about how the pandemic has affected travel and vacation rentals.


How does the pandemic affect travel?

Due to the pandemic, travel restrictions have since been enforced by various local, state, and federal governments. This has exceptionally affected airports, restaurants, hotels, vacation rentals, and all corners of the hospitality sector. Spring break, Easter, and Summer travel plans for many were put on an indefinite hold along with our daily routines.


Why consider a vacation rental in the midst of the pandemic?

If you haven't canceled travel plans, start thinking about your options. For starters, are you taking a drive-to vacation or fly-to vacation? Depending on your location, many popular relaxing getaways and popular tourism destinations are within a day's driving distance. Furthermore, while staying in a hotel is the conventional option, a vacation rental affords more opportunities to practice social distancing, as you and your party will be the lone occupants of the rental, rather than sharing amenities and common spaces with other parties. It's a safe alternative to practicing social distancing from the comfort of your home away from home. As non-essential businesses are closing, people have begun working from home while schools have turned traditional face to face learning for students to online learning from home until further notice. It's become everyone's new normal. So, why not enjoy the breeze and sights of the beach from the balcony of a vacation rental or take in the smell of pine trees surrounding a secluded cabin in the woods. Ease your worries by limiting your contact to those inside your household, while following the new virtual routines.


Practices to Follow Once the All Clear is Given

As we take baby-steps back to life as we knew it, where we will again be free to travel, spend time with family and friends in groups of more than 10, and be in social settings, it's important to keep in mind what we have learned from this global pandemic. That is, to continue proper sanitation procedures and to be more aware of our surroundings while being conscious of others who are more vulnerable to illness. Vacation rentals are expected to emerge as the safer, more sanitary way to travel, as they are perfectly situated to encourage our new-normal sanitation practices.

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